
Pen Spinning Rocks

You've probably seen them in school or maybe at the office - the Asian guy twirling his pen on his fingers - and tried unsuccessfully to mimick. I could never get that pen to spin just so!

Well for reasons beyond any rational comprehension, Pen Spinning has become the latest fad here in Japan. It's not new of course - I learned on the news today that Pen Spinning dates back to the 1930's when a rural prefecture introduced 'Pencil Spinning' as a form of 'hand exercise' for school kids. Since then it's gone through its ups and downs but with YouTube, blogs and what not, the Pen Spinning fad has reached critical mass.

Here's the latest, hottest video making the rounds on YouTube Japan:

There's even a Pencil Spinning Association that sponsors national tourneys, videos of new moves (all with names), blog links and anything else your average pen-spinner might need to know.

Check out the latest Pen Spinning Gear! Perfectly balanced designer spin pens - spin with style my bruthas!

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