

I have a confession to make: I am trying to give up smoking. Patch hasn't worked, and I am a bit shy about seeing the doc for prescriptions. So I browsed the net (as usual) to find good alternative means and here is what I found: Electric Cigarettes!

(It's just vapor, not smoke so it's harmless. 0mg nicotine and tar. Good for quitting the smoke!)

This stuff is totally radical: It encourages you to be a poser, be provocative, and anti-social in an office environment. I mean, who smokes at his/her desk these days and why you wanna have USB-electrified gadget at the desk?!

(source: Thanko Rare Mono Shop, Subtitling by ICE9)

I really like the scientific substantiations of the pseudo-smoking experience: the tip lights as you inhale, and water vapor would come out of your mouth accordingly. Plus, you get to choose between tobacco flavor & mint flavor (like charcoal and menthol choice in the real world) with the cartridges; genuine Japanese inventions!!

1 comment:

Mizuki said...

I'm gonna give this one a try as I'm desperately needing some withdrawal too.

By the way, nice blog! See u on facebook!