
Crunchy Sweetmeat

I've tried to avoid the usual 'funny Engrish' stuff on this blog - best to leave that to places like engrish.com and the plethora of gaijin blogs and boards. In fact, after 12 years in-country I hardly even blink when I see "Cock's Specials" on a menu or "Room Saniterizers" in a hotel or "Spank Me Like a Monkey" t-shirts on little girls. These I get. A "Cock" is a misspelled "Cook". "Saniterizer" is a cute error on "Sanitizer" - nice try! And the t-shirts, hey, they look nice and no one reads/understands English but us gaijin anyway.

This one caught me off guard, though. A co-worker was handing these out as 'omiyage' (gift from a trip):

To be fair they were sweet.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Cool blog. Love the photos !