
Stinky Drinky

Making fun of Japanese product names has gotten old, but this one was just bad enough to catch my attention.

Ironically, the product website "Pungency Project" (classic!) has a page called "What is Pungency?" Has a bunch of aroma experts blah blah blah -ing about pungency.

What they don't have is a dictionary. You know, where you might find that Pungency means IT SMELLS REALLY BAD.

pun·gen·cy definition

Pronunciation: /ˈpən-jən-sē/
Function: n
pl -cies ; : the quality or state of being pungent

pun·gent definition

Pronunciation: /-jənt/
Function: adj
: causing a sharp or irritating sensation
especially : ACRID
pun·gent·ly Function: adv

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